Hill Top C of E Primary School

Catch the Spirit

Holy Trinity Church

Hill Top is a Foundation Status, Church of England Primary School.  We have close connections with our local church, Holy Trinity. Our children visit Holy Trinity at various times during the course of the  school year. We visit to support or follow up work we are doing in our Religious Education Curriculum. We also visit as a whole school once a term and Reverend Jennings leads services for us to celebrate special Christian events such as Advent and Easter.

We support a variety of events that take place at Holy Trinity including the Spring Fayre, Carol Service and Mothers Day Service.

As a church school, members of Holy Trinity represent the church on our Board of Governors. These are known as Foundation Governors and are Mrs. Liz Flintoft and Mrs. Angela Clarke. It is their role to support the Christian ethos of the school and support the school in its planning, delivery and monitoring of Collective Worship.

More information about Holy Trinity can be found here: https://www.achurchnearyou.com/church/6102/


Aldersgate Methodist Church

As a church school, we are also lucky to have strong links with Aldersgate Methodist Church. The ministers, Reverend Albert, Reverend Lyn, and Reverend Graeme support in the delivery of collective worship. Reverend Graeme works closely with our Key Stage Two Worship Leaders who plan and deliver Collective Worship for our Key Stage One Children.

Reverend Lyn takes an active role in our Messy Church sessions, leading the worship and engaging children stories from the bible. 



Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) Report November 2017