Hill Top C of E Primary School

Catch the Spirit


"The more you know about the past, the more you are prepared for the future" - Theodore Roosevelt

At Hill Top we hope to inspire and excite children with our History curriculum. 


At Hill Top CE Primary School, the aim of History is to inspire children to want to know more about the past, to think and act as historians as well as developing a sense of identity through learning about the past. Children have opportunities to investigate and interpret the past, understand chronology and communicate historically. By the end of Year 6, they will have a chronological understanding of British History from the Stone Age as well as that of the local community and the wider world.


At Hill Top, History is taught focusing on the knowledge, skills and understanding as stated in the National Curriculum. We use enquiry questions as a basis to develop interest and curiosity as well as using the National curriculum to guide us on the content and focus of each objective to inform our curriculum.

*EYFS: Knowledge and Understanding of the World

*Year 1: How have toys changed since Grandma was a child? Who was the most important explorer? Did the first flight change the world for the better or worse?

*Year 2: How has home life changed since Grandad was little?  Why and how did Guy Fawkes want to blow up Parliament?  How did Harold Park get its name? What caused the Great Fire of London?

*Year 3: How did life change in Britain during Prehistory? What did the earliest civilisations have in common? What did the Ancient Egyptians achieve?

*Year 4: What the Roman impact on Britain?

 What was life like in Yorkshire during the Blitz?

*Year 5: Does describing the Vikings as vicious raiders portray them accurately?

 Who were the mysterious Mayans?

*Year 6: How did Bradford change during the Industrial Revolution? Where can we see the influences of Ancient Greece on our world today?

  In October as a whole school we celebrate Black History Month. We promote and celebrate Black contributions to British society.

Our teaching and learning styles in History enable children to extend their knowledge and understanding of history. We use a subject on a page organizer for each unit to reinforce vocabulary and identify key knowledge. At the end of each unit children respond to the enquiry question showing what they have learnt. We enrich the history curriculum, encouraging further pupil engagement, with inspiring visits and visitors both online and in person.


The children at Hill Top CE Primary enjoy learning about the past and find their History lessons interesting and inspiring. Assessment is completed at the end of each unit where pupils are assessed against the unit’s objectives. The History co-ordinator and Senior leadership team complete regular book looks, lesson drop ins and pupil voice to monitor the quality of teaching and learning across school. When they leave Hill Top they have a developing understanding of the local community’s past, Britain’s History and that of the wider world. Through our teaching pupils develop a curiosity to know more, ask perceptive questions, think critically and develop perspective and judgement.