Hill Top C of E Primary School

Catch the Spirit

Parents and Friends Association 

Who Are We?

We are a friendly group of parents and carers who get together to support Hill Top in whatever way we can.

Mainly this involves fundraising and organising social events .

(School discos, the annual Summer Fun Day, Mothers Day and Christmas Shops....)

We are always on the look out for new members.

You don't have to commit to every meeting or activity, and we are sure that you will enjoy getting involved even if it's just once or twice a year.

Contact any member of the PFA or see us at our next meeting.

(details will be in newsletters and by text)



Kathleen Graham is the current Chair


Sarah Sykes is the PFA Co-Ordinator


In recent years our fundraising has helped to pay for:

  • Dyslexia friendly books
  • Updating of class whiteboards
  • Festive Farm
  • Small world toys for nursery
  • Colourful class rug for Reception.
  • The gazebo in the upper playground;
  • Exercise equipment the upper playground;
  • The climbing frame in the lower playground;
  • The school library;
  • Dazzle Boxes of books;
  • A new outdoor play area to the rear of Yr1 class;
  • The amphitheatre on the school field;
  • The equipment in the Lodge Woodland;
  • Class resources such as lego, books, art equipment;
  • Outdoor equipment for reception class.
  • Adult chairs for Shine Times and productions
  • A class set of chairs for Yr 6


You can also help with fundraising by registering for Easyfundraising.